:: Dreams are necessary to life. ::
 - Anise Nin

In dreams you have an opportunity to create the life you want.  If you do not recall your dreams, make one up!  This note format is recommended for processing any art or writing exercises offered on News From A Broad.

Broad Dream Notes © News From A Broad, 2012
  • Title - This should be done after you have written out your dream or created one of the art therapy exercises.
  • Days Events - What happened during the day before your dream or before you created one of the art therapy pieces?  This is important information as many dreams begin with pieces from our waking life. 
  • Dream Description - Write as much detail as you can recall from your dream.  Sometimes, it is helpful to have a notebook by your bed as you can wake yourself in the night and make a quick note.
  • Emotions - Write this portion out in full sentences where you are claiming your emotional life, in the present tense, and in relationship to the action of the dream.  For example:  I feel lovely and warm when I am being hugged by the stranger.
  • Title - Now, give your dream a title.
  • The Question - What is your dream asking you?  Use "I" statements such as "How will I...", "When will my...", etc..  This is a very important step in owning your dream life and your art making practice.
  • The Answer - Now, answer your own question, again using an "I" statement.
If you are using the Broad Dream Notes for the Writing on Leaves © exercise, select the 12 most powerful words from your dream.  You can find the Writing on Leaves © exercise here.

Enjoy & Explore!
The Broad
Benné Rockett

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