Wednesday, August 22, 2012

R A P E :: Sex Education in the United States

As a twenty year veteran working with men, women, boys, and girls that have been raped, I would be remiss not to standup from my encore life and speak.

{This post is not about}
planned parenthood
birth control
margaret sanger (dead )
hitler (dead )
lack of juices
lack of orgasm

This post is about rape.

The stories will be difficult to read.
You don't have to read them.
You can do something else.  .

Jim, 19 y.o. :: Raped by his mother and her boyfriend from age 3-13 y.o..
  •  At 19 years old, Jim moves from first person to third person as he tells me and a group of young men the story of repeatedly being sexually assaulted by his mother and her boyfriend from the age of 3-13.  Jim is constantly bullied by the other boys on the residential living unit where I am a therapist.  When Jim's father found out what was happening to him, he went to court and received full custody.  He can't stand Jim.
Tommy,16 y.o. ::  Raped by his 35 y.o. stepfather when he was 11 y.o..
  • After the session, Tommy, a Washington D.C. gang member, knocks on my office door.  Sticking only his head in enough for me to see his face, he says, "You know what Jim was talking about?  My stepfather did that to me."
Monica 21 y.o. :: Raped by a 25 y.o. coworker when she was 17 y.o.. 
  • Monica, 17 years old, broke up with her boyfriend of one year.  After work, she and a couple of coworkers went out to eat, followed by dancing at Jake's apartment.  Jake is in his last year at the university.  Jake cuts several lines of cocaine, passes it towards Monica who pushes it towards Laurel and Steve.  Jake starts to make out with Monica.  He begins to undress her.  She pushes his hand back.  She tries to leave.  He pushes her down to the floor, flips her over and shoves a beer bottle into her anus while he penetrates her vagina.  She didn't scream because she was afraid he was going to kill her.
Amber, 28 y.o. :: Raped by her uncle when she was 9 years old
  • As soon as Amber entered kindergarten, her mother went back to work.  For seven years, until she turned twelve, Amber went to her grandmother's house after school.  It was always exciting because her favorite uncle, Jack, only six years older, still lived with her grandmother.  All of her friends thought that he was cute and super cool.  While Amber was taking a nap on the sofa, her grandmother ran to the store.  Jack lifted Ambers' dress.  When she woke up, he put his hand over her mouth.  Amber was in the bathroom when her grandmother came home.  She heard Jack tell his mother that he was taking Amber to McDonald's for dinner because she had been a good girl.
Kevin, 55 y.o. :: Raped by his older brother from age 4 - 7
Chrisy, 52 y.o. :: Raped by Kevin at age 52
  • On their first date, Kevin fixed a lovely braised beef salad with a bottle of wine.  After the first sip of her second glass of wine, Chrisy found she was unable to make full sentences.  As she tried to go to the bathroom, Kevin had to take her by her arm.  She was conscious, but she couldn't speak nor walk.  Kevin put Chrisy on his bed.  He removed all of her clothes, and raped her. 
Karen, 35 y.o. :: Raped by her father and two uncles from age 4 - 15
  • Karen had never told anyone that she was raped until we began working together.  She was never sure if she had been raped.  When she was 5 y.o., she began having orgasms during the rapes.  She asked me if it was possible to be raped and have orgasms?
 Brian, 49 y.o. :: Raped by his father from age 4 - 7
  • When Brian's younger brother turned 4 y.o., their father began to rape him instead.  This continued to be the pattern with the next two children.  Brian uses Craigs' List to have annoymous sex with women in parking lots.
Shields are put in place to deflect danger.

If I really wanted to protect people, I don't think I would take away services that co-support that protection. Unless of course, I was a rapist.
Because really, who wants to be the victim. 

Create Reality
The Broad

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Babs said...

Hope you're posting your blog on Facebook. EVERYONE needs to read this post, as hard as it is to do.

In my dating life, I have known well three men who were raped as young boys by priests. Each has never gotten therapy and carry internal rage with them to this day.

The Broad said...

Babs, we really need a new paradigm. Seems pretty straightforward to me.
I haven't seen one comment on consent. That pretty much covers all the bases.

Merilee Dodson said...

Sadly Benne, I had more toddlers than I care to remember tell me about sexual abuse. I am talking about 3 and 4 year olds. Just heart breaking.

The Broad said...

My personal opinion, based upon my professional work, is we need to pay better attention. There are obvious behavioral indicators. The there are two cultural attitudes that prevent us from doing so. The first is this idea that poor children and children of color don't know how to behave. The second is that family business is private business. If anyone that has an interest in the Pro Life movement would pay equal attention to the children that already exist, we could cut sexual assault of our children by a huge percentage.